Sunday, 12 February 2023

EOTO Reacts: Society of Professional Journalists


While listening to each group's presentation on different news companies and journalism incorporations I was intrigued to learn about the Society of Professional Journalists. This broad-based journalism organization has been dedicated to encouraging the free practice of journalism and reviving high standards of Ethical behavior. This organization was founded in 1909 as an honorary frat Sigma Delta Chi by 10 journalism students. The organization's name changed twice over time with the fruits changing in 1973 to the society of professional journalism. This organization has grown so much throughout the years. From 1916 as an honorary to professional frat then in 1960 from frat to professional. In 1969 the first admission of women into society. Caroline Ross Pokrzywinski was the first woman admitted to the board in 1971. Followed by that in 1980, Jean Otoo was the first female president elected. I was so honored and fascinated to learn about all the women's roles the organization has held. I learned that this organization wants to improve and protect journalists as well as encourage the practice of journalism. This organization wants kids to pursue careers in journalism and welcomes individuals in broadcast, journalism as a career, etc. I find it amazing that they work to inspire and educate current and future journalists. This organization also protects first amendment guarantees of freedom of speech and press through its advocacy efforts and professional development. I felt so inspired to hear about this organization and can't wait to look into it more as journalism is something I am strongly interested in and am willing to learn more about. 

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